
世界杯特辑 顾几 1274 字 2024-01-12








“well ta, you know i always nsider yself the ckiest person the whole universe, not jt becae of the cliche stuff that everyone talks about, that i can py football and have won titles and trophies, no, that’s only a sall part of life

i’ve travelled a lot with you sce i was a little kid, reber?underground, overground, tras, tras, through tunnels i can still see the sunlight through the s, vividly, the loured world quickly ovg past then i looked to your eyes, a illion tis like right now, it’s the deep of the deepest bck, baby swirlg, sg yet still sparklg, it’s the bck ocean draggg to wasn’t quite clear about everythg as i was a stupid kid back then, but i’ve always known that i want it to be endless endless journey and endless skg to your eyes